Our team of highly experienced, qualified Māori educators offer customised programmes to connect experiences with student learning outcomes

Our programmes and day trips are located along the beautiful Bay of Plenty coastline. They include community and environmental activities that engage with the local taiao (environment) and tangata whenua (local people).

At Travel Ed, we are proud of our culture and are excited to contribute to an Aotearoa based on cultural knowledge and understanding. 

We specialise in hosting:

  • Schools - ECE, primary and secondary students and staff

  • Tertiary - students and staff

  • International schools

  • Staff for professional development

In the Māori world there are eight pou (pillars) that Travel Ed draws from as central guiding principles:

  • Manaakitanga (care for each other)

  • Hau Ora (personal wellbeing)

  • Hinengaro (mental wellbeing)

  • Tiakitanga (care for the environment)

  • Rangatiratanga (developing leadership)

  • Whakawhānaungatanga  (working together) 

  • Turangawaewae (our place in the world) 

  • Wairuatanga (spiritual wellbeing)          

Activities included in our programmes:

  • Marae Noho (Marae Stays)

  • Māori Community Engagement

  • Culture and History

  • Taiao (Environment)

  • Service Learning Projects

  • Staff Development


“A Moment in Time-At the Top of the Papamoa Hills”

Marvelling at Tauranga Moana, my eyes are drawn towards Mauao, a King on his throne. The trees at the bottom of the hill stand tall like soldiers awaiting command. I breathe in the fresh air, gazing at the Kaimai Ranges, wondering how such an astonishing scene could be made.

The ocean glistens while we capture its beauty. Staring at the many Pa’s, I am thinking about the Māori chiefs that once stood here, scanning the sea for invading ships. I spot Motiti in the distance, and Matakana hiding behind Mauao, and finally Tuhua.

I felt the dewy grass that belongs to this Maori Tribal land, once only peppered with homes and stores. Now I know why it’s called the Bay of Plenty.

Papamoa is my Home.

— Dylan Johns (Student), Room 3, Tahatai Coast School

(Permission given to publish with name and school by Dylan's parents and teacher)

Hutt International Boys School (HIBS) Service Projects Programme

Travel Ed, HIBS staff and Iramoko Marae community working together in a collaboration to benefit the HIBS boys and the local Māori community.

During the July 2021 school holidays 16 boys and four staff from HIBS spent 11 days at Iramoko Marae in a collaboration with the marae community and Travel Ed. Marae rangatira, Pouroto Ngaropo and kuia Amohaere, took time out of their busy schedules to provide tikanga and history experiences for the boys.